Murberget Open-Air Museum


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Murberget Open-Air Museum is one of Sweden’s largest and most impressive open-air museums. Located in Härnösand, it offers a unique insight into the cultural history of Västernorrland. The museum is a place where visitors can experience what life was like in the region during different periods, with authentic buildings, artifacts, and living exhibitions that provide a vivid picture of the past.

The History of Murberget

Murberget was founded in 1913 by county antiquarian Erik Festin and has since grown to encompass a large area with over 80 buildings and facilities. Originally, the purpose of the museum was to preserve and display old buildings and artifacts from Västernorrland. Over time, the museum has evolved into an important institution for cultural heritage preservation, focusing on both history and education.

Buildings and Environments

One of the most prominent aspects of Murberget Open-Air Museum is its collection of historical buildings. Here you will find everything from farms and schoolhouses to churches and industrial facilities. The buildings have been relocated from various parts of Västernorrland to be preserved and displayed in their original condition.

An example is the 19th-century cottage that shows how a typical farming family lived at the time. Visitors can enter the small, cramped rooms and see authentic furniture and tools used in everyday life. Another interesting building is the village school, where visitors can get a sense of how education was conducted over a hundred years ago.

Exhibitions and Programs

In addition to the permanent buildings and environments, Murberget Open-Air Museum also offers a wide range of exhibitions and programs. These include both temporary and permanent exhibitions covering various aspects of the region’s history and culture. The museum also has a rich program of activities for both children and adults.

A popular exhibition is the one focusing on life during the Iron Age, where visitors can learn about ancient farming, crafts, and social structures. By combining artifacts, reconstructions, and interactive elements, the exhibition provides a vivid picture of everyday life during the Iron Age.

Education and Learning

Education is a central part of Murberget Open-Air Museum’s mission. The museum offers educational programs for school classes of all ages, from preschool to high school. These programs are designed to complement the school curriculum and give students a deeper understanding of historical and cultural topics.

For younger children, there are programs that include storytelling and hands-on activities such as trying out old crafts. Older students can participate in more advanced workshops and guided tours that deepen their knowledge of specific historical periods or themes.

Research and Conservation

Murberget Open-Air Museum also plays an important role in research and conservation. The museum collaborates with universities and research institutions to study and document the cultural history of Västernorrland. Through these collaborations, the museum can contribute to new knowledge and understanding of the region’s historical development.

The preservation of historical buildings and artifacts is an ongoing process. The museum’s experts constantly work to maintain and restore the collections to ensure they are preserved for future generations. This work includes everything from repairing roofs and walls on old buildings to conserving delicate objects.

Events and Festivals

Murberget Open-Air Museum hosts many different events and festivals throughout the year. These events celebrate the region’s culture and history through music, dance, food, and traditional crafts. One of the most popular festivals is the Midsummer celebration, where visitors can participate in traditional games, dance around the maypole, and enjoy the festive Swedish summer atmosphere.

During Christmas, the museum organizes a Christmas market where visitors can buy crafts, Christmas decorations, and traditional Christmas delicacies. The market is a beloved tradition that attracts visitors from all over the region and creates a wonderful Christmas atmosphere with its lights, music, and scents.

Future Plans and Visions

Murberget Open-Air Museum has big plans for the future. The museum aims to continue developing and improving its exhibitions and programs to meet the needs of a modern audience. This includes creating more interactive and digital exhibitions, as well as developing new educational programs that can be used both on-site and online.

The museum is also working to strengthen its international contacts and collaborations. By participating in international projects and exchanges, Murberget can learn from other museums and institutions around the world while sharing its own expertise and experience.